Sadly Body image issues are a common problem. In a society that promotes unrealistic body ideals, either cosmetically or strength wise… it is challenging to not get caught up in comparing oneself to these unrealistic standards. As a result, many individuals may experience depression, anxiety, anger and even self-loathing.
There are multiple ways one can come to be unhappy with their own body. Personally, historically, I blamed my body on letting me down and cursed it for not being strong enough.
You’ll see from this photo of my hanging and tractioning the right handed issues going on my right hip will hike approx an inch higher and with an anterior tilt caused compression, right side collapses and left ribs rotate right, right leg thus shorter and the list goes on… now, once I understood my body I could learn to accept it once more and work with what I had.
I share the same one common goal with many of my clients — to be physically fit enough to engage in my favourite activities until a ripe old age. I am typically a few pounds over my ideal weight, so what! I don’t have as much time to work on myself as I’d like as I’m teaching in the studio (and that is the most rewarding experience so no complaints there) and I have a busy life (which most seem to these days, with little time to get off the hamster wheel) but I try to maintain my fitness & strength the best I can, and am so very grateful for the fact I have a Tool Kit full of skills to remain out of pain, stay active, ride my beautiful horse and attempt to keep up with my very active family.
“I just want to be in shape.” So here’s the real pain in the rear (yes I have a tight Piriformis too 😆)… my body has its issues I have to constantly be aware of. Just the way it is.
We all need, no matter what body we have an exercise protocol that builds resilient bodies. They need to be mobile, stable, and strong enough to allow us to enjoy our lives without holding us back. A combination of core conditioning, strength, flexibility and aerobic training are the answer for this.
My personal goals are directly related to improving my movement. Without doing so, I know I will eventually get injured and/or develop chronic pain. So yes it is consistency, but it isn’t a drag or chore to do so. Take the time initially to get the education then it becomes habit, there’s muscle memory and everything gets easier.
I am not one due to my profession now, but you may be one in a huge population that are generally inflexible and has postural deficiencies due to excessive sitting. So after an assessment at Cores & Effect we can advise where to stretch, what to strengthen, and what postural deficiencies to address.
Clients are amazed at how One on One sessions have helped them manage (and often get totally out of) pain. By simply improving movement to build resilient bodies, we consistently see people enjoying life without their physical condition being their limitations.
Feel free to drop me an email to discuss your personal fitness journey and how we may help you 😊