Pilates changed me, not just my body, but also my life.

Cores & Effect Pilates exists as a result of that transformation. Now quite a few years distant from my pivotal encounter with the method, it is my personal mission to ensure that others can also experience the deep connectedness and integrated healing that is the true value of the classical Pilates method.

C&E was born out of a desire to create something meaningful. Our work is guided and structured by the foundational principles of Joseph Pilates original vision, meeting and supporting each unique body we encounter as teachers. Our studio is a warm and friendly environment that fosters creativity and problem solving.

Pilates is many things but it is never about mindless repetition. It is about being present to the body in the moment, it is about narrowing down our intention to move in a particular way and it is about repeating these movements in the most efficient and timely way possible for maximum effectiveness. And then the magic happens. With enough commitment and persistence, you experience the biggest hook of all – your body becomes yours, automatically doing your bidding, strong, flexible and reliably supporting you in all you want to do.

I recall first finding this optimistic energy bubbling through a wealth of emerging education about my own body. This was my personal high wattage light bulb moment. Pilates gave me the skills to actually heal my damaged hip and dysfunctional shoulder – the results were engrossing and the route forward easy to discern. The driving force for C&E arose out of that experience. I am deeply motivated to see Pilates taught with an individual’s body in mind, and the method to be made accessible to a wider audience.

At the core of our teaching philosophy are uncompromising skills and standards as well as the belief that each individual client requires and deserves an individual approach to their unique body. Whether you are an athlete seeking a competitive edge or overcoming an injury, an individual recovering from a catastrophic illness, or a person challenged with a neurological condition, Pilates has something unique to offer. It is also a wonderful place to begin if you have been sedentary and out of touch with movement in general.

At our studio we function in a collaborative fashion, building a community of teachers and practitioners, for the pure enjoyment of working with people and serving the community we live in.

If you are new to Pilates, I urge you to be curious, be brave and have confidence. Give it a try.


Amy Krazizky
Owner/Teacher/CEO/Founder/ All around tornado/ whirling dervish